We go on journeys our whole life. Some take us to new countries or mountain tops. Others, stay within our minds. On the Pot’s Road follows a journey I undertook. I walked across the Cairngorms with a pot strapped to me. Just as I was observing the changing landscape around me, I was also noting down the places my mind was taking me to. Through the action of the body and the mind, I reconnected with the world. On the Pot’s Road is an outcome of this journey.

The Forest of Pots creates a narrative of the land travelled. The difference of materials on these repetitive vessels follows the path I took. Inspired by natural materials and shelters humans and animals build and live in, the kiln serves as a heart of the installation. Fire creates objects and brings warmth to a home, but it also destroys.This duality and fickleness of its character is present in the

pots made from fragile porcelain and charred wood.

Rebirthed in fire.

DJCAD Degree Show 2024

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The Mother Pot - Smoke-fired ceramics with jute rope that I carried across the Cairngorms

On the Pot’s Road - A Forest of Pots

A Forest of Pots is a series of 20 vessels. Some of them are fully ceramic, others are half ceramic and half wood. The project is an homage to craft. The bottom of the pots was slip-cast and the top hand-built in porcelain. By slip-casting the bottoms of my pots, I created a visual repetition. On the other hand, the hand-building brings difference to the vessels. The glaze is following a recreation of a traditional Chinese porcelain glaze + wood ash. As for the material, I ground down some of the material to powder, some to gravel and some of it was left.

Year: 2024

Materials: Porcelain glazed with materials from a walk across the Cairngorms (granite, gravel, moss, heather,…), charred wood, waxed cord

Exhibited: DJCAD Degree Show, Dundee

Branching Out, Dundee Botanic Garden

Class of 24, Scottish Ceramics Gallery

A Home for the Pots (kiln)

I have always wanted to build a kiln, so I did.

The base is made out of willow from Ardfern and found hazel, the coating/cob is a mixture of clay from Guardbridge, sand from Tentsmuir and sawdust from my wood turnings.

It was inspired by nests and shelters animals create and live in.

Year: 2024

Materials: willow, hazel, clay, sand, sawdust,

Exhibited: DJCAD Degree Show 2024

Branching Out, Dundee Botanic Garden